It's the 12th day of year 2011 and I am just 2 weeks away from home. Wait for me lovelies, I will be home for Chinese New Year!! Get your red packets ready and fill em' up with lotsa moolahh! :D
Well, I have been staying in Kolej Keris Mas for one semester now since I started my master degree. I was staying in Kolej Pendeta Zaba during my bachelor degree years and I thought it was good enough. But to compare to where I am staying now, Kolej Keris Mas rocks to the core! Lol. I was staying in a single room last semester (hooray for all the privacy that I get!) and was told to move to another block just last weekend. We were told to evacuate the building within three days prior to a REALLY short notice.
I was comparing the old room previously with my new room now (both in Keris Mas) and I have to say I was not happy initially. Room got smaller. Furniture got smaller though they are all brand new. Pink room with orange furniture. How does that sound to you? Kinky much? Haha! But I think I am getting used to this (minus the new mattress that is super hard).
#1 Half of my stuff in my room. Packed to be moved :)
#2 My new closet that is much smaller than the one in the old room. Reminds me of my days in matriculation though since it was a similar closet.
#3 The new bed with the mattress yang super keras that I have to get used to. As much as people tell me that this kind of bed is good for my back, I want my pocket spring bed at home! :(
#4 Did I mention there are extra drawer under the bed for me to hide more stuff? *grins*
#5 The shelf that makes the room look way more tidy! Loving it!! :D
#6 The new working place which I am not very fond of due absence of drawers.
#7 The view out my window. Yup, kedai makan di bawah saja. Can hear them frying stuff late at night. Kah-chang ka-chang! -.-"
Overall, this room is not too bad as how I view it when I first stepped in here after lotsa of cleaning and filling up the room with stuff. At least I could say, this room is comfier than my room in Kolej Pendeta Zaba. Oh, did I mention that I am way nearer to the super delicious burger stall now? Hooraayyy for having burger for dinner and supper every night! Ha!!
Oh yes! I have my classes on Monday and Friday only. So, for the rest of the days during the week, I might just be a bummer and stay in the room. Ahhhh...... :D
On the side note, some areas in Brisbane is having a horrible flood at the moment and it seems to be getting worse. I pray that family members over there are stay safe and sound there. Sigh. What is happening to the world? Double sigh.
That is all the update for today. Stay tune! Sorry if I bore you out! :) Take care.