Sunday, June 12, 2011


I am in a transition period of my life now where a new phase is about to begin. I will be starting to work soon. There is so much fear of the many possibilities in the future, the unforeseen possibilities to be exact.

How will work turn out to be?
How will my colleagues be like?
How would my life change?
How long does it take before I reach where I wanna be in my career path?
How would I save money?
How would I arrange my time?

Questions over questions running wild in my head. On top of this, there are other personal matters that bother my mind a lot too. So, if you were to ask me how am I now, I would tell you I am okay (but definitely I could have been better). I guess this is one phase that everyone goes through. Part and parcel of life they say. But as much as I am aware of what is going on, the mind and heart just won't cooperate. Ironic.

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