Hi peeps. How are you doing there? Exams killed you yet? Or those assignments killing you? Or are you in cloud nine enjoying your life? :) It is exam week for me here. Having my first paper next Tuesday. An rather easy peasy paper la that one >.< (Ssssshhhh!!) - Foundation of Chinese Language. Yup yup, I took that subject this semester. I had many asking me why am I taking that subject when I can speak already. To answer that ques, one would be the reason of learning to read and write chinese characters. Oh yes, I buta huruf cina punya okeh! Another reason was to fill up my rather empty timetable of this semester and to pull my pointer up. Maklumlah, cukup-cukup makan only my CGPA. Sob sob :( My last examination paper to sum up my degree years would be my major paper on the 23rd May later. Having my final year project presentation few days later and I am then a free bird. At the moment, let me not fly too high first okie. Berpijak pada bumi nyata dahulu.
Here's a series a pics taken during my supposed-to-be-last-class which was cancelled by the lecturer last minute and hence the official last class. Camwhorerssss~! :P
Here's a series a pics taken during my supposed-to-be-last-class which was cancelled by the lecturer last minute and hence the official last class. Camwhorerssss~! :P
Some things ended. Some things are yet to end. And there are some things that will never end. Can you name what is/are the never ending "thing/s"? :) Love ALL you people... and I am not referring to my coursemates only. I said ALL OF YOU *screaming*;)
All the best to those have not finished your exams yet. Good luck! (",)
All the best to those have not finished your exams yet. Good luck! (",)
hehehe....jeles oh sy tgk ko bergambar2 utk last class nie....;p
ReplyDelete[Hailey] jgn jealous bah. masih lagi ko ada d cni. p lah cari coursemate bergambar tu :D